Chris hears from Miriam Firth about designing optionality into assessment in Higher Education. This is the second episode in a podcast series about Creative Approaches to Assessment

Draft category for materials for the LTR project
Chris hears from Miriam Firth about designing optionality into assessment in Higher Education. This is the second episode in a podcast series about Creative Approaches to Assessment
The way we work is always evolving. Recent advancements in immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT are set to transform the way we work. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how such technology could change our workplace practices. We’ll also consider what skills an employee might need for the future workplace.
In a world of ubiquitous data and increasing analytical power, we mustn’t forget the power of stories and narrative in making sense of the world. Chris explores what the impact of this on understanding the student experience and the lessons for leaders.
Active learning is the opposite of passive listening. Esther explores some key teaching methods and a range of digital tools and techniques to help.
Chris reflects on some of the lessons learned from the digital leadeship programme about digital transformation in education.
We use the word engagement a lot in education. Chris reflects on whether what we often think of as engagement is actually more like attention and why it’s important to be clear about the distinction.
What does it mean to “innovate”? Just because you’re using “innovative” technologies doesn’t automatically mean you are being innovative yourself. Conversely, you don’t need to use cutting edge technology to transform your practice in innovative ways. It’s tempting to think that in the field of education technology, if you’re not keeping up with the latest […]
With such rapid development in technology and limited resources in education, it’s hard for leaders to know which innovations in technology are likely to succeed and potentially transform learning, professional practice and the effectiveness of their institution. Looking forward to this year’s Jisc Digital Leaders programme, Chris gives some simple guidance on identifying the projects that are likely to make a difference.