As the #ConnectMore19 events draw to a close the digital practice Subject Specialists in Jisc share some of their highlights.

As the #ConnectMore19 events draw to a close the digital practice Subject Specialists in Jisc share some of their highlights.
Reflections on the workshops provided by the Student Experience Subject Specialist team on the recent run of Connect More events.
Chris ran a workshop at the recent Connect More event in Scotland. Here he reflects on his two main personal learning points that arose during his preparation; how we can prepare learners to take on more of an active role in transforming the workplace and how rteachers can be effective role models when it comes to showing what digitally capable looks like.
Scott provides an overview of Jisc resources showcased at the recent Connect More events to support digital capability. These resources complement the ‘Curriculum Confidence: Deigning Digital Capabilities in the Curriculum’ sessions at Connect More and are aimed at curriculum staff wishing to embed digital into programmes of study.