
Changing places

Reflections from workshops with staff from FE colleges in Wales, looking at how their physical learning spaces are changing, and might change in the future.

In June, Jisc led two workshops on physical learning spaces for FE colleges in Wales. These were designed to support staff in their progress towards Wales’ Digital 2030 vision.

We have compiled an event report of reflections from the workshops. This is based on the main themes and key discussion points including:

  • Physical and digital space – where’s the connection?
  • Designing spaces around learning
  • The library: from physical centre to hybrid service
  • Live issues
  • Digital in the physical space today
  • Looking towards 2030
  • What would help further?
  • Top takeaways

We have also sourced two stories from Welsh colleges which have contributed to our understanding of effective, digitally-enabled learning spaces:

Thank you to staff from Cardiff and Vale College, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and all workshop participants for sharing their learning spaces, experiences and insights.


Newid lleoedd

Ym mis Mehefin, arweiniodd Jisc ddau weithdy ar fannau dysgu ffisegol ar gyfer colegau AB yng Nghymru. Cynlluniwyd y rhain i gefnogi staff yn eu cynnydd tuag at weledigaeth Digidol 2030 Cymru.

Rydym wedi llunio adroddiad digwyddiad o fyfyrdodau o’r gweithdai. Mae hyn yn seiliedig ar y prif themâu a phwyntiau trafod allweddol gan gynnwys:

  • Lle ffisegol a digidol – ble mae’r cysylltiad?
  • Dylunio lleoedd o amgylch dysgu
  • Y llyfrgell: o’r ganolfan ffisegol i’r gwasanaeth hybrid
  • Materion byw
  • Digidol yn y lle ffisegol heddiw
  • Edrych tuag at 2030
  • Beth fyddai’n helpu ymhellach?
  • Prif wersi

Rydym hefyd wedi dod o hyd i ddwy stori gan golegau Cymru sydd wedi cyfrannu at ein dealltwriaeth o fannau dysgu effeithiol sydd wedi’u galluogi’n ddigidol:

Diolch i staff o Goleg Caerdydd a’r Fro, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai a phawb a gymerodd ran yn y gweithdai am rannu eu mannau dysgu, eu profiadau a’u canfyddiadau.

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