Reflections from workshops with staff from FE colleges in Wales, looking at how their physical learning spaces are changing, and might change in the future.
Changing places

Reflections from workshops with staff from FE colleges in Wales, looking at how their physical learning spaces are changing, and might change in the future.
Chris reflects on this year’s ALT C conference at the University of Warwick, sharing some of his personal takeaways.
Scott provides an overview of the latest run of the Curriculum Confidence workshop in Belfast. This one day workshop explores how to build confidence when designing and delivering a digital curriculum that will prepare students to learn successfully in digital settings, and thrive in a digital world.
Zac reflects on the knowledge sharing and the very good reason to attend events like this on his first Student Experience Experts Group meeting in Birmingham.
Live video has well and truly entered the mainstream. The arrival of several new tools means that the barriers to broadcasting live over social media have pretty much collapsed. Chris shares some ideas for successfully broadcasting an event, lesson or lecture using Periscope.