How can we teach a new subject?
Digital Literacy is a new qualification and an Essential Skill in Wales.
Many practitioners in further education, work based and adult learning had to move away from teaching their familiar ICT qualifications and learn new skills and techniques.
But how can we support our practitioners and managers to deliver this new course?

Digital Diamonds is a network of practitioners and managers delivering Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy across post 16 vocational education and training.
We had a large number of practitioners and managers facing a big challenge – we needed support, resources, ideas and a space to share.
My 5am vision was of a network of diamonds looking like the night sky and every diamond was a person, a resource, an idea or a shared experience.
How can we get our community going?
We have a steering group made up of colleagues from FE, WBL and ACL who are putting together a group of digital literacy enthusiasts to set up the network across Wales.
We have a Facebook page and a JiscMail list so we can post out information to the growing network – and we can also ask for help and support from our colleagues when we are looking for new ideas and examples of best practice.

Welsh Government has offered to host our network on HWB. This means that it can be owned and operated by the sector. Our community has a sustainable future and we can respond to changes that happen around us.
How can you help?
If you are a provider who delivers digital literacy in Wales, please nominate a diamond! They will be able to feed in thoughts and ideas and keep their digital literacy colleagues informed about our progress – over the next few months they can join the new community in HWB.
Digital Diamonds needs you 😊
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