
Improving focus with the Pomodoro technique

Your Teams account pings with a new notification. A meeting invite pop-up screams for attention. A fresh email arrives. Social media needs checking—the demands on your time from digital can be a huge distraction. As much as we all can’t do without digital communication, it can often get in the way of your productivity. At […]


Emerging themes from the digital wellbeing community

Scott reflects on the emerging themes raised at the Welsh Digital Wellbeing community of practice. A description of the rose, thorn, and bud method is described to capture the feedback from participants.

The journey towards digital wellbeing (#ConnectMore2022)

Scott reflects on Jisc’s recent Connect More conference and how infographics can be used to start meaningful conversations around wellbeing.

Developing staff and learner wellbeing at #Digifest2022

World events have continued to push wellbeing up the agenda for all UK universities and colleges. Scott and Edward from Jisc discuss how strategies to improve staff and learner wellbeing are shared at Jisc’s #Digifest2022 conference.


Digital capabilities on the front line

Subject specialist Lis Parcell reflects on a workshop looking at digital capabilities for frontline supervisors and managers in university libraries

Helping teams to support learning in times of disruption

Lis Parcell and Chris Thomson highlight some potential challenges for college teams dealing with heightened Covid absences, with a reminder of some strategies and resources that could help keep support services going


Reflections from the digital pedagogy ideas room

Reflections from yesterday’s digital pedagogy ‘ideas room’ event online, which brought colleagues across FE together to share their challenges relating to digital pedagogy.


Digital and the changing role of front-line library staff

Subject Specialists Lis Parcell and Scott Hibberson presented two workshops for the M25 consortium. Both workshops explored how digital has affected front-line library staff, from the perspective of front-line staff themselves and their managers. The M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries is a collaborative organisation. They work to improve library and information services within the M25 […]

Digital wellbeing taster course goes live!

News of Jisc’s digital wellbeing taster online course. This is a free taster course designed to help staff consider what types of actions they can take to support learner wellbeing.

Wales digital resources

Creating a Motivating and Engaging Online Learning Environment

A look into some of the practical approaches to creating motivational online activities and learning environments.