As machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to reshape industries, learners need to be prepared with the necessary skills to navigate the evolving landscape of work. Data literacy, creativity, problem-solving, and adaptability are essential skills that employers are looking for in potential employees. This blog post explores how educators can embed these crucial employability skills into their curricula and prepare learners for the future workplace.
Tag: employability
The way we work is always evolving. Recent advancements in immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT are set to transform the way we work. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how such technology could change our workplace practices. We’ll also consider what skills an employee might need for the future workplace.
Chris takes a quick look at the issue of employability and digital skills, and how we are preparing college and university leavers to enter a transformed workplace.
Online meetings – from Yawn to Yay
Esther Barrett shares her favourite tools and techniques for making your meeting interactive, engaging and accessible for your colleagues
Esther talks to Jamie and Vinnie who are loaders for RCT Waste Services. Digital Skills are becoming more important in their jobs as they collect more data on their rounds.
Esther reflects on the nature of teaching as a craft and why we must thread digital skills through the objects and activities that we create.
#ConnectMore18 highlights
Reflections on the workshops provided by the Student Experience Subject Specialist team on the recent run of Connect More events.
Chris ran a workshop at the recent Connect More event in Scotland. Here he reflects on his two main personal learning points that arose during his preparation; how we can prepare learners to take on more of an active role in transforming the workplace and how rteachers can be effective role models when it comes to showing what digitally capable looks like.
Employability in a digital world
Esther Barrett shares some thoughts about twenty first century working life and tools we can use to support learners to develop their employability skills in the digital world