
Early findings from the digital sustainability interviews

Scott shares the early findings from the interviews with members for the Jisc project ‘Embedding digital sustainability into teaching and learning.’ The key themes so far are discussed, including the challenges as well as good practice and useful resources.


Improving focus with the Pomodoro technique

Your Teams account pings with a new notification. A meeting invite pop-up screams for attention. A fresh email arrives. Social media needs checkingā€”the demands on your time from digital can be a huge distraction. As much as we all can’t do without digital communication, it can often get in the way of your productivity. At […]


Emerging themes from the digital wellbeing community

Scott reflects on the emerging themes raised at the Welsh Digital Wellbeing community of practice. A description of the rose, thorn, and bud method is described to capture the feedback from participants.


What’s your digital superpower?

Scott shares an activity to foster positive conversations around digital with staff, developed as part of Jisc’s recent initial teacher education project.

Watch this space

Reflections on AI for communications

Scott and Kathryn share their thoughts on an AI-themed workshop to the comms team of the National Institute of Health Research and flag some key topics for further discussion.

Reflections Watch this space

What does the data tell us about initial teacher education?

Scott provides an update on Jisc’s initial teacher education (ITE) project. The project focuses on supporting our members involved with ITE to develop their digital practice. A comprehensive report detailing a snapshot of current practice is included.

Exploring virtual escape rooms

Scott provides feedback on Jisc’s Exploring Virtual Escape Rooms in Education event. The benefits and challenges of using virtual escape rooms are discussed, as well as the platforms commonly being used by the sector.

The journey towards digital wellbeing (#ConnectMore2022)

Scott reflects on Jisc’s recent Connect More conference and how infographics can be used to start meaningful conversations around wellbeing.

Developing staff and learner wellbeing at #Digifest2022

World events have continued to push wellbeing up the agenda for all UK universities and colleges. Scott and Edward from Jisc discuss how strategies to improve staff and learner wellbeing are shared at Jisc’s #Digifest2022 conference.


How can digital offer a helping hand to teachers?

With a recent survey from the Office for National Statistics showing a rise in people having to self-isolate as a result of Covid-19 there areĀ  clear implications for teaching and learning. Staff and student absences mean doing things differently. We are moving into our third year of teaching in hybrid and blended contexts. UK colleges […]