Data visualisation and digital capability

In a recent webinar, Andy Kirk of Visualising Data fame, talked about the roles and responsibilities involved in effective data visualisation projects. Chris summarises what he learnt and draws comparisons with the Jisc digital capability framework.


Teaching without speaking

Esther reflects on how she learned to teach without speaking and what that meant for her practice as a learning technologist.

Incoming! Student expectations of technology

Chris has recently been discussing the expectation of new students about the use of technology in learning. Do further and higher education institutions address the fact that many schools offer quite a sophisticated digital experience which is not always easy to match in post-compulsory education? Chris reflects on his own kids’ experiences and what they might have to teach us about developing a positive digital student experience.

Making, choosing and using digital content.

Technology offers fantastic opportunities for staff and students to learn and teach by “actively making” rather than passively consuming. In this post Alistair McNaught  explores the implications of making, choosing and using content. Typical questions “We have a virtual learning environment but it isn’t used well. Can you help us use it better?”  “We are a small […]

#ConnectMore16 with Jisc

Over the summer Jisc held a number of Connect More events (#ConnectMore16) across the UK to update our members on all the exciting projects we have been working on and to showcase the excellent practice from across the academic community. The Student Experience sub team have been lucky enough to attend and present at many […]