What does digital storytelling look like these days? Chris assesses the Pianobook community site as a possible unexpected example of digital storytelling in action.
Category: Reflections
Big picture stuff! What we’re thinking about the state of technology enhanced learning.
Chris looks at how a recent design update to virtual meeting software, an example of skeuomorphism, might have an unintentional impact on teaching and learning practice.
Building Bonds with New Learners
Many providers will be welcoming new learners in September. Esther explores some ideas for helping tutors and learners to bond with each other and their peers online.
Esther talks to Jamie and Vinnie who are loaders for RCT Waste Services. Digital Skills are becoming more important in their jobs as they collect more data on their rounds.
Chris reflects on some of the lessons learned from the digital leadeship programme about digital transformation in education.
Does Microsoft Teams work as an effective backchannel? Read more to find out Scott’s reflections on using it at a recent workshop.
Many of Jisc’s member institutions are looking at the potential of of MS Teams to be a core system in the support of learning and teaching. Here Chris takes a look at the fundamental difference between Teams and the traditional VLE to ask whether one could be a direct replacement for the other.
We use the word engagement a lot in education. Chris reflects on whether what we often think of as engagement is actually more like attention and why it’s important to be clear about the distinction.
What does it mean to “innovate”? Just because you’re using “innovative” technologies doesn’t automatically mean you are being innovative yourself. Conversely, you don’t need to use cutting edge technology to transform your practice in innovative ways. It’s tempting to think that in the field of education technology, if you’re not keeping up with the latest […]
Scott shares his observations creating a 360 degree video using a Samsung Gear 360 camera. The post highlights some of the key considerations you need to take into account when making your own videos and includes 360 degree footage of a twelfth century abbey.