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Reflecting on future practice – #ConnectMore19 and beyond!

As the #ConnectMore19 events draw to a close the digital practice Subject Specialists in Jisc share some of their highlights.

Myths and Misconceptions Reflections Reimagining teaching and learning

Innovation is all about keeping up with the tech, right?

What does it mean to “innovate”? Just because you’re using “innovative” technologies doesn’t automatically mean you are being innovative yourself. Conversely, you don’t need to use cutting edge technology to transform your practice in innovative ways. It’s tempting to think that in the field of education technology, if you’re not keeping up with the latest […]

Digital Pursuits – playing the digital capability game!

Scott provides an update on EMFEC’s Technology for Learning network. Jisc’s work on digital capability and student insights were key themes as well as gamifying digital capability.

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360 video – niche novelty or an immersive utopia?

Scott shares his observations creating a 360 degree video using a Samsung Gear 360 camera. The post highlights some of the key considerations you need to take into account when making your own videos and includes 360 degree footage of a twelfth century abbey.

Digital capability: arrival or evolution?

Chris and colleague Shri Footring presented a workshop at December’s AoC Create comference in London about staff digital skills and adapting to constant change. Here Chris outlines how thinking about “conscious competence” can give a window on the activities leaders can encourage to support this in their organisation.


Droning on about making digital fun!

Scott and Zac share some observations on using drones to capture video content whilst out running on Dartmoor.

Curriculum Confidence comes to Belfast!

Scott provides an overview of the latest run of the Curriculum Confidence workshop in Belfast. This one day workshop explores how to build confidence when designing and delivering a digital curriculum that will prepare students to learn successfully in digital settings, and thrive in a digital world.

Storytelling in the round – experiments in 360 video

Recently, Chris was presenting a workshop on what 360 video can bring to digital storytelling at a conference in Greece. Here he explains his reasons for exploring the technology and some of teh conclusions he came to including how to address some of the technical and artistic challenges.


Imposter at ALT-C 2018?

Zac Gribble reflects on what makes events like ALT-C so important.

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Understanding the Challenges

John reflects on the upcoming Digital Leaders Programme and the development of a session that looks at how digital leaders can approach challenges and see beyond the hyperbole and uncover new opportunities for working holistically across an organisation.