
Storytelling in learning: humanising the digital

TL;DR summary – loads of people turned up to our digital storytelling community activity at Digifest last week. This made me realise something important about humanising learning in a world that is being increasingly automated. Our storytelling community activity It was Digifest last week and we were really pleased to run a get-together for the […]


Digital Storytelling Community at Digifest

Jisc’s Digifest conference has wrapped for another year. It was as enjoyable, challenging and informative as it’s ever been. The Community Hub area was a new feature this year; a space for the groups that Jisc supports to come together for some rare face to face time. Having launched in January, it seemed a good […]

Using storytelling to support reflective pedagogies

Last week, Adobe ran the latest of its Creative Campus Collaboration events at Bath Spa University. I’d been invited to run a session so this is a brief summary of some of the main points. Assessing the process, not the product I’ve been thinking a lot about assessment recently from the point of view of […]


Pianobook: a different form of digital storytelling?

What does digital storytelling look like these days? Chris assesses the Pianobook community site as a possible unexpected example of digital storytelling in action.

Add digital storytelling to your online learning toolkit

Chris looks at the fundamentals of digital storytelling and how it can play a part in effective online learning and assessment.

Reimagining teaching and learning

Ghosts in the machine: rediscovering stories in a world of data

In a world of ubiquitous data and increasing analytical power, we mustn’t forget the power of stories and narrative in making sense of the world. Chris explores what the impact of this on understanding the student experience and the lessons for leaders.

Storytelling in the round – experiments in 360 video

Recently, Chris was presenting a workshop on what 360 video can bring to digital storytelling at a conference in Greece. Here he explains his reasons for exploring the technology and some of teh conclusions he came to including how to address some of the technical and artistic challenges.

Dragon hunting at #Digifest18

Last week, Chris along with Liz Austen and Richard Beggs delivered a workshop at Jisc’s annual Digifest on how digital storytelling can enhance the student experience. The resources are available here and he reflects on the good practice that was showcased and how it fits into the release of Jisc’s new online digital storytelling workshop.


The Learning Evolution – Books, Augmented Reality, Narrative and Beyond…

John Sumpter explores how education can be enhanced by the appropriate and seamless integration of technologies such as Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality that many are unaware can be used in education today. John also reflects on his findings at the UA Reloaded conference in Germany.

Summer of Student Innovation #studentideas

Since Jisc announced the 15 winners of the Student Ideas competition back in June there’s been alot of excitement over the summer in taking those ideas forward. For the last week the Subject Specialists, Chris Thomson, Rohan Slaughter, Julia Taylor and myself have been working with colleagues in Jisc to support the students through the […]