Wales digital resources

What makes an effective digital learning resource? (Webinar recording)

Webinar Recording of Lis Parcell and Zac Gribble leading a session on effective digital learning development. Thinking about defining a digital learning resource and best practices for copyright, inclusion, privacy and images. Aimed at the WBL,ACL and FE sectors in Wales

Wales digital resources

How should we consider copyright when developing digital learning resources?

Jisc subject specialists Zac Gribble and John Kelly discuss the importance of copyright when developing effective digital learning rescources.

Wales digital resources

Learning resources made digital

Lis Parcell reflects on what “digital learning resources” might mean for the post-16 sector in Wales.

Wales digital resources

Creating video for learning resources

Making teaching videos can be an excellent way of engaging learners. After 15 years of helping educators create video in various forms I’ve learnt that it can also be complicated, infuriating and time-consuming. At a time when you’re already under a lot of pressure, you want to spend what time and energy you have wisely. […]

Digital Diamonds

Esther Barrett tells us about a new community of practice for Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy practitioners and managers in Wales.

Jiscmail lists for learning resources

Lis Parcell looks at some useful Jiscmail lists for FE learning resources staff and gives some personal tips on how to get the most out of your lists.


Let’s go digital – an extra slice

Lis Parcell reports on the good practice shared at the second of CoLRiC’s two summer conferences for FE learning resources and looks at how college librarians are developing their digital capability. She also shows how you could help make a LearningWheel of useful digital tools for learning resources services.