
Imposter at ALT-C 2018?

Zac Gribble reflects on what makes events like ALT-C so important.

Reflections Watch this space

Understanding the Challenges

John reflects on the upcoming Digital Leaders Programme and the development of a session that looks at how digital leaders can approach challenges and see beyond the hyperbole and uncover new opportunities for working holistically across an organisation.


Digital practice – what’s in a name?

No need to file this one under “earth-shattering” but our team has changed its name! Since we started back in 2015 we’ve been called Student Experience but we’ve now changed to Digital Practice. I thought it was worth giving a bit of an explanation partly because it’s an interesting reflection on how we’ve changed over […]

Video – Developing your organisation’s digital capability

In Octber we’ll be running the latest version of Jisc’s Digital Leaders Programme in Exeter. It’s our first time running it in the South West of England. I want to give you a sneak peak of something we cover in it. I’ve been lucky enough to be part of the programme since it’s very early […]

Troll spotting – a beginner’s guide

Chris reflects on a swelteringly hot workshop in London over the Summer helping researchers make the most of social media. Here he takes one aspect of the workshop, dealing with trolls online, and highlights some possible reasons for it and mitigating steps.


#ConnectMore18 highlights

Reflections on the workshops provided by the Student Experience Subject Specialist team on the recent run of Connect More events.


Talking about employability at #ConnectMore18

Chris ran a workshop at the recent Connect More event in Scotland. Here he reflects on his two main personal learning points that arose during his preparation; how we can prepare learners to take on more of an active role in transforming the workplace and how rteachers can be effective role models when it comes to showing what digitally capable looks like.

Designing for the digital curriculum

In May Scott and Chris went to Queens University Belfast to deliver a series of worskshops exploring how we can support the students of the future effectively and what we need to consider when designing for the digital curriculum.


VLEs – Value, Learning and Engagement?

Zac Gribble shares some early findings while piloting VLE reviews. What is the role of the VLE and does an institution value it, use it to its full potential and how does this impact on student experience?


Are robots taking our jobs?

Esther Barrett looks at artificial intelligence and how it’s changing the modern workplace. Are our apprentices and trainees ready? This post is adapted from her keynote at the NTfW Teaching & Learning Conference in March 2018.