Esther Barrett shares some thoughts about twenty first century working life and tools we can use to support learners to develop their employability skills in the digital world
Scott provides an overview of the first in the series of Jisc’s online workshops covering key aspects of digital capability. The first session focuses specifically on supporting learners’ digital identity and wellbeing.
John Sumpter explores how education can be enhanced by the appropriate and seamless integration of technologies such as Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality that many are unaware can be used in education today. John also reflects on his findings at the UA Reloaded conference in Germany.
Zac reflects on the knowledge sharing and the very good reason to attend events like this on his first Student Experience Experts Group meeting in Birmingham.
Who the hell do I think I am?
Chris reflects on how managing a Twitter account that he uses for personal and professional reasons can sometimes look a little confusing to the outside world and why the choices we make about what we put on social media have implications for those in positions of leadership.
Lis Parcell looks at some useful Jiscmail lists for FE learning resources staff and gives some personal tips on how to get the most out of your lists.
Scott provides a personal account of how to encourage someone who is older to engage with technology and the internet and reflects on the challenges they face.
Esther Barrett shares her favourite tools and techniques for making your presentation interactive, engaging and accessible for your audience.
Scott provides an overview of some of his favourite sites for sourcing free to use images.
Let’s go digital – an extra slice
Lis Parcell reports on the good practice shared at the second of CoLRiC’s two summer conferences for FE learning resources and looks at how college librarians are developing their digital capability. She also shows how you could help make a LearningWheel of useful digital tools for learning resources services.