Digital Pursuits – playing the digital capability game!

Scott provides an update on EMFEC’s Technology for Learning network. Jisc’s work on digital capability and student insights were key themes as well as gamifying digital capability.

Digital capability: arrival or evolution?

Chris and colleague Shri Footring presented a workshop at December’s AoC Create comference in London about staff digital skills and adapting to constant change. Here Chris outlines how thinking about “conscious competence” can give a window on the activities leaders can encourage to support this in their organisation.

Curriculum Confidence comes to Belfast!

Scott provides an overview of the latest run of the Curriculum Confidence workshop in Belfast. This one day workshop explores how to build confidence when designing and delivering a digital curriculum that will prepare students to learn successfully in digital settings, and thrive in a digital world.

Video – Developing your organisation’s digital capability

In Octber we’ll be running the latest version of Jisc’s Digital Leaders Programme in Exeter. It’s our first time running it in the South West of England. I want to give you a sneak peak of something we cover in it. I’ve been lucky enough to be part of the programme since it’s very early […]

Troll spotting – a beginner’s guide

Chris reflects on a swelteringly hot workshop in London over the Summer helping researchers make the most of social media. Here he takes one aspect of the workshop, dealing with trolls online, and highlights some possible reasons for it and mitigating steps.


#ConnectMore18 highlights

Reflections on the workshops provided by the Student Experience Subject Specialist team on the recent run of Connect More events.


Talking about employability at #ConnectMore18

Chris ran a workshop at the recent Connect More event in Scotland. Here he reflects on his two main personal learning points that arose during his preparation; how we can prepare learners to take on more of an active role in transforming the workplace and how rteachers can be effective role models when it comes to showing what digitally capable looks like.

Designing for the digital curriculum

In May Scott and Chris went to Queens University Belfast to deliver a series of worskshops exploring how we can support the students of the future effectively and what we need to consider when designing for the digital curriculum.


Employability in a digital world

Esther Barrett shares some thoughts about twenty first century working life and tools we can use to support learners to develop their employability skills in the digital world

Reflections Watch this space

Reflections from the Digital Identity and Wellbeing Online Workshop

Scott provides an overview of the first in the series of Jisc’s online workshops covering key aspects of digital capability. The first session focuses specifically on supporting learners’ digital identity and wellbeing.